Browse Items (174 total)
Kristin C. Delea, health scientist in CDC's Center for Global Health, briefly reviews her career thus far and then details her involvement in CDC's 2014-16 West African Ebola response. Delea worked as a CDC lead in Guinea-Bissau, helping build that…
Dr. Rodel Desamu-Thorpe, epidemiologist with the Division of State and Local Readiness at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, briefly reviews his career, then details his work in response to the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic. As a health…
Dr. Emily Kainne Dokubo, director of the Cameroon office of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, briefly reviews her life, then details her involvement in CDC's response to the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic. Dr. Dokubo served as an…
Sampson V.K. Dolo, coordinator of the Peace Corps Response Program in Liberia, briefly reviews his education and work history, then describes collaborating with CDC to help stop Ebola in 2014-15. Dolo accompanied CDC deployers to three different…
Dr. Stephanie Dopson of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discusses managing logistics and supporting staff deployed to West Africa during CDC's 2014-16 Ebola response. Dr. Dopson worked in the Emergency Operations Center at CDC's…
Emmanuel D. Dweh, county surveillance officer for Bong County, Liberia, reviews his career and describes in depth his contributions to fighting the Ebola epidemic in Bong County in 2014-15. Due to limited personnel, Dweh served in nearly all aspects…
Dr. Michelle Dynes, nurse epidemiologist for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides some personal background and then describes her work in Sierra Leone during CDC's 2014-16 Ebola epidemic response. As an Epidemic Intelligence…
Mylene Faikai, registered nurse and mental health clinician, describes her work as a counselor for the Men's Health Screening Program in Liberia. The Men's Health Screening program tested male survivors of the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic for viral…

Dr. Mosoka P. Fallah, deputy director general of Liberia's National Public Health Institute, gives a brief summary of his career and then describes his experiences battling the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic in and around Monrovia. Dr. Fallah directed active…
Pewee S. Flomoku of the Carter Center's Liberia office discusses his career and his involvement in the Carter Center's response to the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic. Flomoku, who long worked as a photojournalist, led the Carter Center team in their effort…
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