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Dr. Crystal Frazier of CDC's Worklife Wellness Office discusses monitoring the resilience and mental health of people deployed on CDC's 2014-16 Ebola response. Dr. Frazier followed up with staff who had taken pre-deployment self-assessments. She…
Yolonda Freeman, health communications specialist in CDC's Division of Emergency Operations, briefly reviews her career and then details her part in the agency's 2014-16 Ebola response. Freeman advised the governments of Nigeria and Liberia on…
Dr. Alex Gasasira, World Health Organization representative to Liberia, briefly reviews his life and career, then details his work coordinating WHO's technical support within Liberia during the country's 2014-16 Ebola epidemic.
Jerry Gbardue, courier for Riders for Health in Liberia, describes his work transporting laboratory specimens during and after the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic.
Amos F. Gborie, a public and environmental health specialist with Liberia's Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, describes a bit of his background, then explains his role in Liberia's response to the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic. Gborie served as the…
Hugh Green briefly reviews his background and education, and then discusses his part in CDC's 2014-16 Ebola response. Green first worked in the Atlanta Emergency Operations Center as a task manager to the incident manager, then got picked up by the…
Trunos Grison shares his work helping set up and maintain a laboratory sample transport system in Liberia beginning in 2015. His organization, Riders for Health, was a partner of the US CDC during the 2013-16 Ebola epidemic.
Dr. Kathy M. Hageman, CDC branch chief for Epidemiology and Strategic Information in Zambia, briefly reviews her life and career and then discusses her involvement in CDC's 2014-16 Ebola epidemic response. Dr. Hageman deployed to Sierra Leone as a…
Dr. Eric Halsey, a Commissioned Corps officer working on the President's Malaria Initiative in CDC's Malaria Branch, briefly recounts his career and education, and then discusses his encounter with the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic. Dr. Halsey was the first…
Jadnah D. Harding, data manager with eHealth Africa and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, briefly reviews her life and career, then describes her experiences working with data during the 2014-16 Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone.
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