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CDC activates the Emergency Operation Center and its response to the Ebola epidemic.
A ferret infected with influenza in a lab. The ferret was anesthetized during the proceedure. This photograph was featured in the Picture Post Magazine, London, February 2, 1946.
A page from a health communication pamphlet encouraging people to participate in good health practices, China, 2013
A young girl, stricken with influenza during the 1957 pandemic, recieves treatment in a hospital ward in Japan.
A young woman wearing a protective mask rides the subway in Mexico City, 2009.

Bus drivers are being trained on how to facilitate wheelchair access to Portland buses.
ACIP Recommendation 1980-2010
U.S. Surgeon General Leroy Burney speaking during the 1957 pandemic
A Red Cross staff member uses a megaphone to provide health advice to people on the street in Conakry, Guinea, April 19, 2014.

Africa United Ebola.png
This poster was part of Africa United's campaign to promote health and destigmatize healthcare workers in West Africa during the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
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