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CDC activates the Emergency Operation Center and its response to the Ebola epidemic.

Patrick Scott dies in Lagos. The virus goes on to sicken 19 and kill eight. A capable public health infrastructure, strong government actions, and the deployment of polio workers to Ebola result in containing Nigerian Ebola cases.

Dr. Sheik Umar Khan, who was leading at Sierra Leon's fight against epidemic at the Kenema Government Hospital, dies from the virus in an MSF ward. He is among 22 health workers from Kenema Hospital who die from Ebola.

Americans Dr. Kent Brantly, nurse Nancy Writebol infected with Ebola are flown and admitted to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. They are both discharged after several weeks.

CDC elevates the EOC to level 1 activation, its highest level, because of the significance of the outbreak
USAID establishes Disaster Assistance Response Team -DART- in Liberia to coordinate US response: planning, operations, logistics
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf declares state of emergency: military to enforce blockades; public gatherings banned; schools closed; cremation edict.
CDC Director, Dr. Thomas Frieden, travels to West Africa, where he visits MSF's ELWA 3 in Liberia. He witnesses "a level of devastation I had never seen before."
The international community accelerates its response to the outbreak with increased beds, supplies, trained staff, and technical assistance.
CDC Foundation announces the opening of three Emergency Operation Centers -EOCs- in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
After a MSF Liberian worker testifies to the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council declares Ebola a "threat to international peace and security." It establishes UNMEER -UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response--the first time the UN has created a…
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