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How.To.Ship.14_251409-Ebola Shipping Specs_reduced.png
In order to safely test people for Ebola virus, precautions must be taken throughout the specimen collection process. This infographic goes through the steps of specimen collection and transport to a lab where the sample can be tested.
This infographic shows the symptoms of Ebola and implores the viewer not to travel if experiencing these symptoms. It also gives simple instructions on what to do if a loved one or family member is experiencing symptoms, and what to do and not to do…
An important aspect of stopping the spread of disease, contact tracing finds those who may have encountered a positive Ebola patient and monitors them for symptoms This infographic explains the process of contact tracing and its importance in…
This simple infographic shows the steps of U.S. entry screening required of those returning to the U.S. from a country with Ebola patients. It shows a health screening during which a traveler’s temperature is taken and questions are asked about…
This infographic shows the continued work in treating Ebola cases in West Africa past the height of the epidemic.
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