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A 3-day national lock down is imposed with the "house-to-house talk" campaign to reach every household with life-saving messages on Ebola, find patients, and distribute soap.

CDC organizes its first health care worker safety course for West Africa volunteers, with many subsequent trainings in Anniston, AL at the Federal Emergency Management Agency -FEMA- Center.
CDC publishes "Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic-Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014-15 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Ebola Response, a modeling tool developed by CDC, estimates that without scale-up of control…
CDC and Texas health officials begin contact tracing and identify 48 contacts -10 likely/38 cannot rule out- of patient Duncan prior to his isolation at the hospital. Active monitoring of these contacts begin.

CDC announces that effective October 27, 2014 that all travelers from the highly impacted countries must be routed to five airports -Atlanta, JFK in New York, Dulles in D.C., Chicago O'Hare and Newark-, and will be monitored for 21 days.
NYC physician Craig Spencer placed in isolation in Bellevue, where he subsequently tests positive for Ebola. He had been working with Ebola patients in Guinea
WHO reports that the rate of infections has slowed, due in part in changes in burial practices.
Rapid Isolation and Treatment of Ebola -RITE- teams led by the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare, Liberia and supported by CDC and WHO, systematically work to rapidly control new outbreaks in rural areas.
The Government of Sierra Leone and partners, including CDC, launch the massive "Western Surge" in the Freetown area to curb the spread of Ebola disease in this "hotspot," which is experiencing the highest transmission of any of the 3 most affected…
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